Free Download anti virus PCMedik 6

PCMedik 6

Features and Benefits of PCMedik

• Makes direct changes to the Windows system registry and system files to enhance memory, screen drawing, animations, refresh rates, CPU thread speeds and security.
• Automatically adjusts settings and changes made based on the computer specifications, and by the end-user choices.
• Deep system analyzer and diagnostic features which attempt to find and repair any potential problems with the computer affecting its performance.
• Compatible with the latest versions of Microsoft Windows, including Windows Vista 64-BIT and 32-BIT computers.
• Advanced software based over-clocking features to enhance memory and CPU priorities to improve application performance.
• New and improved modern user interface, easy and intuitive to use and compliant with Windows user interface guidelines.
• Software was entirely developed and built in the United States. Technical support also is based in the United States.
• Try before you buy licensing with dedicated software updates and quality around the clock technical support.

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Sherlogic said...

gue kira PCMedia, hampir sama nih namanya mas bos. hehe :D

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