Movie Label :Editing Film

Movie Label

Movie Label comes with several different languages and fully supports Unicode. Movie Label is built on a solid database engine that ensures stability and speed no matter the size of the database. With Movie Label, a variety of reports can be printed and detailed statistics can be accessed.

• Quickly get your movie library organized by typing the title or barcode.
• Catalog any type of media (DVD, Blu-ray, VHS, LD, Divx, etc).
• Scan your hard drive to find movie files and add them to your collection.
• Keep track of movies on loan with the built-in loan manager.
• Search and sort your collection with one click.
• Print reports and watch a variety of statistics.
• Export to various formats (HTML, XML, PDF, Excel, etc).
• Export to Netwalk Movies (for iPhone/iPod) and bring your collection with you.
• Keep a list of wanted and ordered items.
• Create any number of databases of any size.

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