Pay taxes in the UK is cheaper than paying taxes in Indonesia

Let us try to calculate our taxes if we live in the UK (United Kingdom) and if we lived in Indonesia.
(GBP is the currency of England, Great Britain Pounds Sterling) calculate the amount of tax you have to pay we can use an online tax calculator found on the Internet
For UK tax calculator is on
and for tax calculator Indonesia is on

We can assume our monthly salary of
1. Rp4.000.000 or at GBP250
2. Rp8.000.000 or at GBP500.
3. Rp15.902.500 or for GBP1000.
4. Rp30.000.000 or registration GBP1886.5 (about AED10000 rate 1 AED = Rp3000)
5. Rp60.000.000 or registration GBP3773.1 (about AED20000 rate 1 AED = Rp3000)

First, we try to calculate the tax in the UK
1. open
2. Select Tax / year 2008/09
3. Choose Married
4. Under Age 65
5. Other Allowances / deductio ns 0
6. Tax Code 0
7. Pension 0
8. Gross income every -> enter the month, is 500 or 1000 or 1572 or 3144, according to our assumptions above
9. Click Calculate

The amount of tax to be paid is on the right column, the cell Total deductions, see the Monthly
To GBP250, tax GBP0 (zero not pay taxes)
To GBP500, tax GBP4, 95 or Rp78.715
To GBP1000, tax GBP159, 37 or Rp2.534.325, 73
To GBP1572, tax GBP434, 18 or Rp6.904.395, 72
To GBP3773, tax GBP1.049, 42 or Rp16.688.034, 8

Now we try to calculate our taxes in Indonesia,
1. open
2. click tax calculator
3. Enter salary subject to tax
4. Enter the employee remains subject to tax
5. Enter the recipient's personal income in the country
6. Enter the status of marriage -> marriage
Number of children: 0
Salary per month: USD 4000000, according to our assumptions on
7. Enter your contribution / month = 0
8. Click count

Total taxes per MONTH
To Rp4.000.000 is Rp382.950
to Rp8.000.000 is Rp721.300
To Rp15.902.500 is Rp2.552.791, 67
To Rp30.000.000 is Rp7.299.700
To Rp60.000.000 is Rp17.799.700

From the above calculation results
Only the salaried GBP1000 or Rp15.902.500 pay an amount almost equal in both countries and remains still height in Indonesia


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