Ben Bernanke Back Leads U.S. Central Bank

Ben Bernanke finally return believed to be the governor of Central Bank of the United States (the Fed), the position which is currently very influential in saving the American economy (the U.S.) from the recession. assurance came after the U.S. Senate vote on Thursday night in Washington, DC (Friday morning GMT). The vote took place relatively tight because not a few senators who criticized the policy that Bernanke simply poured a lot of money to major banks are in trouble while tens of millions of Americans suffer the effects of recession.

With the composition of the Senate vote, 70 support and 30 refused, Bernanke certainly returned to lead the Fed to four years following.

Selection of central bank governors held tough this time and takes several days. It is also a test of the independence of the Fed, which is an important element for the central bank in carrying out economic policies that are not popular ones.

The policies of the Fed in setting interest rates, for example, can cause huge consequences for all layers, ranging from large corporations to married couples who struggle to repay their first home. The consumers' grocery store and petrol station managers were affected for any measures taken by the leadership of the Fed.

Some senators praised Bernanke's performance, which is seen managed to lift the U.S. economy from the brink of a deeper recession, so the land of Uncle Sam is not to suffer from depression is greater. "Leadership Ben Bernanke has made this nation to avoid a disaster," said Sen. Chistopher Dodd, who led the affairs of the Senate Banking Committee.

However, there are senators who refused to back Bernanke's appointment. "Central Bank under Ben Bernanke actually serve to create conditions for the financial crisis," said Senator Richard Shelby of the Republican Party.

Shelby and his allies believe that Bernanke is to blame for failing to directly detect the problems that caused the crisis in the U.S. in more than last year. The Fed is also seen as weak in banking regulations and does not directly address the irregularities in the home mortgage problems causing the crisis.

Bernanke was first entrusted to lead the Fed by the current U.S. president, George W. Bush, in 2006. However, this time Bernanke received the blessing of Barack Obama to continue his leadership at the central bank.

56-year-old economist sebelummnya more engaged in academic environments. Over the past 17 years Bernanke taught economics at Princeton University. But he was summoned to Washington DC to help the Fed governor who eventually replaced him, Alan Greenspan
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