Beginning Internet Indonesia

Based on the whois record ARIN and APNIC, Internet protocol (IP) first of Indonesia, UI-NETLAB (192.41.206/24) registered by the University of Indonesia on June 24, 1988. RMS Ibrahim, Suryono Adisoemarta, Mohammed Ihsan, Robby Soebiakto, Putu, Firman Siregar, Adi Indrayanto, and Onno W. Purbo are some legendary names in the beginning of Internet development in Indonesia in 1992 until 1994. Each has contribute personal expertise and dedication in building a historical footage computer network in Indonesia.

Internet Service Provider Indonesia

In about the year 1994 began operating Indonet led by Sanjaya. Indonet is Indonesia's first commercial ISP. At that time the POSTEL not know about the business gaps Internet & still very few Internet users in Indonesia. Initial connection to the Internet is via dial-up by Indonet, a step which perhaps desperate enough. Location Indonet still in the area of complex Rawamangun UI faculty, Sanjaya's father is a chance the UI faculty. Early access in the early Indonet use text mode with a shell account, lynx browser and email client pine on AIX servers.

BBS started in 1995 some of Indonesia such as Clarissa provide Telnet access to foreign countries. By using the remote browser Lynx in the U.S., the Internet users in Indonesia can access the Internet (HTTP).

Recent developments that need to be considered is the trend toward e-commerce and internet cafes are one & the other mutual support that led to the Indonesian community in the world more solid information. Colleagues to build e-commerce community on several mailing lists such as the main,, &

The writings of the existence of the Internet network in Indonesia can be seen in several articles in print media such as KOMPAS titled "low-cost computer network using the radio" in late 1990 and early 1991. Also some short articles on the magazine Electrical Electron ITB Students' Association in 1989.

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