* Programming language PHP is a scripting language that does not do a compilation of its use.
* Web server that supports PHP can be found where the - where the starting apache, IIS, lighttpd, until Xitami with a relatively simple configuration.
* In the development easier, because of the many mailing lists - mailing lists and developers who are ready to assist in the development.
* In the understanding of the side, PHP is a scripting language most easily because it has a lot of references.
* PHP is an open source language that can be used in various machines (Linux, Unix, Macintosh, Windows) and can be done in runtime through the console and also can run system commands.
Hello World program written using PHP is as follows:
Hello World ";
echo " Hello World ";
The following are examples of programs that are relatively more complex written using PHP. Examples of this program is a program to display the Fibonacci sequence of numbers.
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